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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Just a Bite May19th, 2009

Quote to ponder under the apple tree

Travelers never think that they are the foreigners.
~Mason Cooley

Resources to bite into

1. Study a map

The current issue of Brain Aerobics Weekly focuses on geography in honor of the National Geographic Bee that takes place this week for thousands of students in grades 4 – 8. Here are some sample questions for you:
Mont Blanc is the highest point in Western Europe. What two countries is it between?
What country is Mount Kilimanjaro in?
Mount Erebus is a volcano on which continent?
The last was the winning question in 1990 and was answered by sixth grader Susannah Batko-Yovino, the first female to win the competition. (Answers below)
2. Still being punny *

Because I love puns, the word game in the current issue of Brain Aerobics Weekly uses geographic puns. For example:
What country is the best place to find men’s neckwear?
Jan would like a _______ sugar for her coffee, please.
I don’t know how to _______ piano. He needs a professional.
The complete quiz can be found at http://www.punpunpun.com/7794.html.
3. Celebrating turtles *

May 23rd is World Turtle Day an event begun by the American Tortoise Rescue organization in Malibu, California to both celebrate turtles and tortoises and work toward their conservation because many are endangered. My mother was particularly fond of turtles. In various cultures they symbolize inner reflection, peace, patience, wisdom, being well-grounded, longevity, and heaven protecting earth, so they seem an especially appropriate symbol for her. Learn more at http://www.hsus.org/wildlife/a_closer_look_at_wildlife/turtles_and_tortoises/celebrate_world_turtle_day.html.

* These items are easily adapted when working with people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Quiz answers: 1) France and Italy; 2) Tanzania; 3) Antarctica
Puns: Thailand, of course; Cuba and Tunis

Tips/ideas/insights to savor

My daughter Lisa recently sent me a card showing a woman in white shoes – faced with no visible alternative – about to plunge across a muddy street. The caption said, “Ever notice that ‘What the hell’ is always the right decision?” (Borealis Press) The reality is that each day we are likely faced with challenges we had neither planned on nor wished for, and usually plunging in and dealing with them IS the right decision.

On the other hand, last week in another moment of mother-daughter bonding, I attended a motivational seminar with my daughter Kristi that was (ironically) not particularly motivating, although we each took away something of value from it. In my case it was a reminder that different strokes work for different folks. So here’s an exercise to do with people you work with or are serving on a committee with that may help you maximize everyone’s potential:
Rank the following 10 items according to what matters most to you with #1 being most important and #10 being least important:
___ Monetary compensation or bonus (like extra vacation time)
___ Power and influence over others for doing what you do
___ Private verbal recognition for work well done
___ Public recognition for work well done (ceremony, award, plaque)
___ Autonomy to get a job done in the way that suits you best
___ A sense of accomplishment from doing a job well
___ A sense that you have contributed to a greater cause or helped others
___ Gaining new skills or learning something new (personal development)
___ Being part of a team that performs well together (building relationships)
___ Having fun, enjoying your work and the people you work with

Then discuss your rankings as a group and leave your list with the project chair so that he or she can have a better chance of leading you to success.

Let the ever-ripening Wiser Now website become the apple of your eye.
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